I am working on a novel/series. It is set on a planet much like earth. In fact the peoples of the planet call it earth. Its oceans are so much greater and the land masses so much smaller, that I could call it Ocean, so we can tell them apart, so I can avoid, what the characters have to go through when talking to Raven about his other earth. The main difference in Ocean and our world is on Ocean belief is real, to believe in something makes it happen. It can create gods, the bogyman under the bed. If you and 80,000 of your neighbors believe in your pure child demon goddess enough, she can build bridges, roads and entire cities out of artificial obsidian, witch glass, that she has witched as a mist from the ground. There are two other differences. Magic does exist, it isn't a thing of spells and incantations, but more a type of esp. You have to have it in your genes, it cannot be taught. The deeper you understanding of how things truly work,things like chemistry, phys...